April 1 Wisdom Weavers: Storytelling & Traditional Teachings with Dylan Courchene's “Creation Stories – Identity and the 4 Individual Gifts Given by Creator” Anishnawbe Health Toronto 12 noon >link< April 7 Climate Change Impacts on First Nations Communities. Webinar 12 – 1 pm. Sponsor: Council of Canadians. Environmental Defence Register >here< April 22 & 23 Kehewin Native Dance Theatre will be performing at Trent in the Nozhem Theatre April 22 & 23. Check their >website< and/or >Facebook Page< April 22 ~Dancing the Red Path April 23 ~ TRICKSTER TRILOGY and also an animal mask workshop right after the show. Details about times and tickets when available. May 21 and 22 Hiawatha First Nation Traditional Pow Wow. Grand Entry at 12 pm. Lakeview Ceremonial Grounds, Paudash Street. Contact: Darla Blodget 705-295-6122 or Marybeth Hogan 705-295-6135 Events in Other Places and Online For other events in and around Toronto, get on the circulation list for HIP (Honouring Indigenous Peoples) Newsletter. Contact: Julie Dunaiskis [email protected] Also for a calendar of Toronto and cross-Canada online Indigenous events (W.I.N.D.), contact WIND: [email protected] Check out free online course from University of Alberta: Indigenous Canada Indigenous Canada course. Free Online from University of Alberta. >link< Ongoing Local Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough Indigenous Allies Working Group. Open to all participants. We meet once a month to learn and to provide learning opportunities for members of the Fellowship and the community. For more information >link< For information and events listings, see Bobcaygeon Truth & Reconciliation Community >Facebook Page< Whetung Ojibwa Centre. 75 Mississauga St. Curve Lake First Nation, Ontario K0L 1R0. For info: www.whetung.com Note: If you are planning to attend a Pow wow and have not attended before, you might like to look at the following brochure, section on Pow Wow etiquette. >link< . On the Web Indigenous Canada course. Free Online from University of Alberta. Check www.ualberta.ca/admissions-programs/online-courses/indigenous-canada/index.html Rick Harp. Media Indigena (Audio). News commentary podcast from an Indigenous point of view. Email: Rick Harp [email protected] >Show Link< 13 Historical Facts About Indigenous People In Peterborough Area >link< PODCAST: Senator Murray Sinclair speaks about Truth and Reconciliation on Rabble >link< 'You are not doing a good enough job,' says First Nations leader as Canada marks Indigenous History Month www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/indigenous-history-month-first-nations-1.4686476 KTRSG member Sherry Lajoie recommends these podcasts: 1) Missing and Murdered: Finding Cleo with Connie Walker www.cbc.ca/radio/podcasts/missing-murdered-who-killed-alberta-williams 2) Thunder Bay by CANADALAND and Ryan McMahon. Five episodes of about 40 minutes each. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/thunder-bay/id1438924421 Links for other events: For cultural events at Curve Lake First Nation: www.curvelakefirstnation.ca/tourism-culture Curve Lake Pow Wow takes place each year on the third weekend in September. For cultural events at Hiawatha First Nation: www.hiawathafirstnation.com Hiawatha Pow Wow takes place May 19-20 2018 (in general each year on the May 24th weekend). Email: [email protected] www.hiawathafirstnation.com For cultural events at Alderville First Nation: http://alderville.ca/alderville-first-nation/blog www.aldervillesavanna.ca For events at Trent University, First People’s House of Learning, follow us on Facebook: Facebook.com/FirstPeoplesHouseofLearning www.trentu.ca/fphl For events at Fleming College and Niijkwewenanda, some are open to all, check calendar at https://teamup.com/ks109dbe50c141cb82 The calendar indicates which events are open to the public. For events at Niijkiwendidaa Anishnabekwag Services Circle (NASC), check the calendar at www.niijki.com/programs.html For events at Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre, check out www.facebook.com/NogoFC nogofc.ca